Dr Rod Martin

Dr Rod Martin


Armidale NSW

Rod Martin is a Rural Generalist with credentialling in Anaesthetics, Obstetrics and Emergency Medicine. He practices in Armidale NSW and (sometimes) Theodore (Qld), and is NSW State Representative on the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine Council. 

Amongst other things he instructs in ALS2, Rural Anaesthetic Crisis Management (RACM), and Rural Emergency Obstetric Training (REOT) courses for ACRRM. He instructs on the Managing Medical and Obstetric Emergencies and Trauma Course (mMOET) – ALSG

Rod teaches medical students (and anyone else) in Crit Care and Rural Medicine at the UNE School of Rural Medicine Simulation Centre. He is working on building a better POCUS course for ACRRM and is starting a Remote Patient Monitoring company with some forays into AI

Rod swims in crazily cold water in preparation to the Ice Mile with this year’s conference co-convenor. He has a fantastic and very patient wife, 3 young adult and less patient daughters, and not much spare time.  

Last updated 15:09 28.03.2022