Dr Rob Elliott

Dr Rob Elliott


Born in Darwin, Dr Elliott graduated from The Flinders University, South Australia after previously completing a first class honours degree in Biochemistry.

In 2001, he moved to Brisbane and commenced training for specialist qualifications in anaesthesia. During his Fellowship of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FANZCA) training he completed a fellowship in Paediatric Anaesthesia at the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH). He currently works as Senior Staff Specialist at Queensland Children’s Hospital (LCCH).

Dr Elliott has worked tirelessly in this field for over 10 years and has become one of the premiere paediatric anaesthetists in Brisbane. He is a highly respected and capable specialist anaesthetist who always strives to achieve the best and safest outcomes for all his patients. He has been concurrently working privately for the past 7 years and is accredited at most Hospitals in Brisbane.

He has a strong track record in delivering quality education and training. He has held various college roles for ANZCA including the Supervisor of Training role at RCH for five years. He currently is an elected member of the Queensland Regional Committee and is an inspector for the Training and Accreditation arm of the college.

Last updated 09:55 18.05.2021