Dr Ianthe Boden

Dr Ianthe Boden


University of Tasmania

Preventation – Preventing post-operative pulmonary complications

Dr Ianthe Boden is a senior research fellow at the School of Medicine, University of Tasmania, and clinical lead cardiorespiratory physiotherapist at the Launceston General Hospital. Ianthe has a master’s degree in cardiopulmonary physiotherapy and critical care, and a PhD on the prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications. Ianthe’s research has won major international awards including the Best Physiotherapy Clinical Trial for 2019 with ICEAGE (postoperative physiotherapy following emergency laparotomy). LIPPSMAck POP (preoperative physiotherapy prior to elective abdominal surgery) has been recognised as one of the top 20 physiotherapy trials of all time.
Ianthe’s currently leading a consortium of 35 hospitals across six countries to assess the incidence of pulmonary complications and associated outcomes after major surgery.

Last updated 14:42 25.08.2021