ANZCA Council meeting update - September 2024

11 October 2024

Read a report of the ANZCA Council meeting held on 13 - 14 September 2024 in Wellington.

Council welcomed the NZ National Committee Chair, Dr Graham Roper, Vic Regional Committee Chair, Dr Dean Dimovski, and ANZCA Trainee Committee Co-chairs Dr Sukhi Hegde and Dr Jenna Donaldson to its internal session.

Professor Peter Kruger provided an update from the College of Intensive Care Medicine during the open session
Information about ANZCA Council and its committees can be found here.


AI policy and Governance framework

Council approved the ANZCA AI Policy and AI Governance Framework. It is proposed that both the policy and framework be reviewed annually to assess its effectiveness and adapt to changes in AI technology.

Advocacy plan

Councillors provided feedback on a draft ANZCA advocacy plan. Next steps include a communications plan addressing the needs of fellows and trainees.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi Strategy

Council received a presentation from NZ Senior Policy Advisor Ms Leonie Walker about progress made on specific actions that addresses the college commitment to upholding the principles of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Council approved the Te Tiriti Roadmap (2024-2028) which focuses on the next priority actions essential to delivering the strategy and endorsed ongoing support.

Education and research

Chapter of Perioperative Medicine  

Governance structure
Council approved several recommendations about the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine (POM) governance structure including membership of the Chapter of Perioperative Board, its terms of reference and amendments to regulation 2 for dissolution of the Chapter of Perioperative Steering Committee and replacement by the new governance structure.

Board members
Council approved Dr Chris Cokis as chair of the board of POM and A/Prof Joel Symmons as chair of the POM Education and Assessment Committee and Dr Jill Van Acker as Chair of the POM Advocacy and Policy Committee.
Clinical Trial Network (CTN)

Pilot grant policy
Council approved increasing the funds available for pilot grants each year from $20,000 to $30,000, with the $10,000 from the foundation fund each year for the pilot grant. Council also approved an increase from $5000 to $10,000 the maximum amount awarded for each pilot grant.

Mentorship policy
Council approved a new version of the CTN mentorship policy that widens the eligibility of the CTN’s mentorship program to members of the Anaesthesia Research Coordinator Network and specialist international medical graduates.

Professional documents

PG52 Guidelines for transport of critically ill patients

Council approved co-badged and co-developed (College of Intensive Care Medicine and Australian College of Emergency Medicine) professional document PG52 Critically ill patient transport for a four-month pilot period and for promulgation on the ANZCA website. Feedback received will be considered at the end of the pilot period.


Council noted the workforce reform landscape continues to get increasingly more complicated with several new workforce reforms announced or commenced in the past two weeks. ANZCA continues to engage in these reforms, noting it is taking significant resources and time, and many of the reforms and who/which body is leading them seem to be overlapping at times.

Last updated 11:03 11.10.2024