Prof docs monthly update

15 April 2024

Your monthly digest of professional document developments.

Under development/review ​

Stakeholder consultation

  • PS55(A) Minimum safe facilities – New appendix focussed on non-airway burns/fires in the operating room

Pilot ​stage


  •  PG12(POM) Guideline on smoking as related to the perioperative period.
    • This content has been incorporated into PG07(A) Pre-anaesthesia consultation - Appendix 3.
  •  PG37(A) Guideline for health practitioners administering local anaesthesia.
    • This content is contained within PG03(A) Major regional analgesia and PG09(G) Sedation and otherwise it applies only to small office procedures which are out of scope of ANZCA.

We encourage feedback on all professional documents during the pilot phase. If you have any comments or queries regarding professional documents please email us.

Contribute to new FPM prof docs
Expressions of interest are sought from faculty fellows to contribute to the development of three new professional documents.
•    The role of telehealth in pain medicine practice
•    Defining the scope of practice of Specialist Pain Medicine Physicians
•    Clinical care standard for pain management programs (PMPs)

Please see FPM EOI for further details.

Last updated 16:54 15.04.2024