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SIMG application for appeal

SIMG application for appeal form

Case discussion/conferencing guideline

Case discussion/conferencing guideline

Patient experience survey (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - form

Patient experience survey (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - form

2024 Rural SIG meeting HCI prospectus

2024 Rural SIG meeting healthcare industry prospectus.

CPD Non-fellow application form 2024

This form is for registered medical practitioners who wish to participate in the ANZCA and FPM Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program as non-fellows.

PS02(A) Position statement on credentialling and defining scope of clinical practice in anaesthesia

Position statement on credentialling and defining the scope of clinical practice in anaesthesia

PS54(A) Position statement on minimum safety requirements for anaesthesia machines and workstations

This document describes the background to the ANZCA recommendations for minimum safety requirements for anaesthesia machines in Australia and New Zealand, referencing relevant Australian/New Zealand standards. It aims to ensure the safe delivery of anaesthetic gases and vapour...

PG60(POM) Guideline on perioperative management of patients with hypersensitivity to chlorhexidine

This guideline is intended to provide information for healthcare practitioners to assist with perioperative management of patients with proven or suspected hypersensitivity to chlorhexidine

PS62BP Position statement on cultural competence and cultural safety Background Paper 2024

To provide background to ANZCAs position statement on cultural competence and cultural safety

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