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Professional Practice Research Network Executive

This subcommittee of the ANZCA Research Committee oversees and supports the PPRN, its purpose and objectives

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Providing patients with culturally safe care

Explore some of the measures we're taking to create a culturally safe environment for Indigenous Australian and Māori patients and doctors.

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Lifebox Australia and New Zealand

Lifebox Australia and New Zealand (Lifebox ANZ) is a joint, regional project developed to ensure access to life-saving monitoring during surgery, through the purchasing and distribution of pulse oximeters and capnographs to hospitals across the Asia Pacific region.

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Standards for Anaesthesia

Standards for Anaesthesia are benchmarks to foster quality in patient care as well as to facilitate quality improvement.

PS40(G) Position statement on the relationship between fellows, trainees and the healthcare industry

This document outlines guidelines for fellows and trainees of ANZCA regarding professional and ethical relationships with the healthcare industry.

Other supports for perioperative medicine

From literature reviews to advocacy, find out what we're doing to makes the case for reform and resource allocation by governments, funders, and administrators.

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2023 Inquiry into healthcare funding in NSW

College submission to the Special Commission of inquiry into healthcare funding in New South Wales.

Persistent pelvic pain community information

This factsheet is a summary of the Faculty of Pain Medicine's position on persistent pelvic pain and endometriosis.


Supporting a sustainable workforce

Find out how we're working with national and state governments to ensure every patient has access to safe, high-quality, and culturally competent care.

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