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PG29(A) Guideline for the provision of anaesthesia care to children

This document is to support good practice and promote the provision of safe and high-quality anaesthesia care to all children, in all locations.

PG06(A) Guideline on the anaesthesia record

Encourage best practice in the management and care of patients and define the standards. Guide the development and review of anaesthesia records to ensure they capture critical and relevant information. Provide guidance to all practitioners administering general anaesthesi...


PS59(A)BP Position statement on roles in anaesthesia and perioperative care Background Paper

This document provides background to ANZCAs statement on the framework for the roles and responsibilities for anaesthetist roles.

NSW inquiry into the provision of health services in SW Sydney growth region April 2020

PG06(A)BP Guideline on the anaesthesia record Background Paper

Background to providing guidance to all practitioners administering general anaesthesia, sedation, or regional blocks, in documenting and recording the episode.

Anaesthesia for cardiac surgery

Multi-source feedback (anaesthesia) - summary form

Multi-source feedback (anaesthesia) - summary form

Patient experience survey (anaesthesia) - summary form

Patient experience survey (anaesthesia) - summary form

Anaesthesia and cognitive decline in adults

Deterioration in memory, thinking ability and concentration – collectively referred to as cognitive decline – has been reported to follow anaesthesia and surgery. This particularly affects the elderly. Updated 2024

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