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Lidocaine lollipop trial grant

Open letter to Karen Andrews MP, Minister for Home Affairs

Open letter – Doctors call on the Australian Government to immediately release Biloela Family from detention.


ROSI introduction

ROSI intro: Good opioid stewardship will ensure that there is a plan for the reduction and cessation of any opioid that is commenced for the management of acute pain and that the risks associated with inappropriate use are minimised.

ROSI scholar role activities and the CCS

ANZCA scholar role activities and quality improvement activities to support the clinical care standard (CCS).


Reg 41 - Conduct of elections

This document outlines Regulation 41, which governs the conduct of elections for ANZCA Council and the Faculty of Pain Medicine Board. It includes eligibility criteria for candidates, requirements for declarations on practice-related issues, voting procedures, and provisions f...

DHM program logbook

DHM program logbook

PEP SCEP application for endorsement form

Endorsee application for endorsement form 2024 [new form]

RPL electronic logbook

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