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Application for qualification

Application for qualification in DHM


Patient experience survey (pain medicine) - guideline

Patient experience survey (pain medicine) - guideline

FPM by-law 3 - Fellowship of the faculty

Fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine is a post-specialisation qualification. Admission to fellowship of the faculty is contingent upon the holding of a primary specialist qualification acceptable to the FPM Board.

Handbook for Advanced Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Accreditation v1-2

History and Heritage Grant application form

This form contains guidelines for applying for the 2023 History and Heritage Research Grant as well as the application form.


ANZCA Research Strategy

DHM Part-time-training application

ANZCA Strategic Plan 2023-2025

The ANZCA Strategic Plan 2023-2025 guides our college-wide business activity. It's the result of comprehensive consultation and engagement within the ANZCA community and beyond.

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