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The SRSC needs your audit examples

Does your department or hospital have an audit plan proforma that you could share with the Scholar Role Sub-committee?

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SRSC has reviewed meeting requirements

The SRSC has reviewed the requirements for regional and greater meeting attendance.

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Expedited specialist pathway update

The college today received an update from the Medical Board of Australia on the expedited specialist pathway.

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GLP-1/GIP receptor agonists - clinical practice guide

ANZCA, along with peak diabetes, obesity and gastroenterological bodies, has produced clinical practice recommendations for patients using GLP-1/GIP receptor agonists.

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FPM calls for implant oversight

The Faculty of Pain Medicine, the Australian Pain Society and Chronic Pain Australia say the 8 April ABC Four Corners program highlighted the need for a national pain device implant registry and a national model of implanted pain treatment care to protect patients.

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Safety and quality update

New this month: Safety Alert – SCIDUA Safety Alert; Electronic Medication Management guidance; webAIRS update

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FPM Board meeting update

This is a report following the FPM Board meeting held at ANZCA House on 8 December 2024.

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ANZCA Foundation update - February 2025

Invitation to the ANZCA Foundation reception; Foundation-funded research at the ASM; ANZCA CTN at the ASM; Funded studies commencing in 2025; 2026 ANZCA Foundation grant round still open

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Expedited SIMG registration pathway continues

The proposed expedited registration pathway for anaesthesia specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) for agreed qualifications (United Kingdom and Irish specialists), is due to be implemented by the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) by the end of 2024. ANZCA is co...

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Protect your privacy and data. Sign up for MFA

Nearly one third of our trainees and fellows have already installed multi-factor authentication (MFA) to help protect their privacy and keep their data safe.

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