Dr Sarah Hare

Dr Sarah Hare


Royal College of Anaesthetists, UK

Dr. Sarah Hare is a Consultant Anaesthetist and is the National Clinical Lead for the National Emergency Laparotomy Audit, at the Royal College of Anaesthetists, UK. NELA is the worlds’ largest repository of information about patients undergoing this high risk surgery, with data about over 160,000 patients now entered into it. As National Lead she has focussed on driving improvements in the processes of care for patients needing this high risk surgery, by encouraging local teams to use their own data to identify areas of improvement, as well as engaging with the wider multidisciplinary teams who are also involved with looking after this high risk group of patients. NELA has published 6 reports, demonstrating improvements in many areas including mortality, and was the only national audit to continue collecting data during the COVID19 2020 Pandemic, thus providing crucial information on what happened to emergency laparotomy patients during that time.

Last updated 13:00 23.07.2021