IV paracetamol in short supply

Multiple brands of intravenous (IV) paracetamol solution for injection/infusion are in short supply globally due to a raw material issue. While the shortage is anticipated to be resolved by June 2024, there is a possibility it may extend to December 2024. Both NSW Health and the Victorian Department of Health have issued a safety alert about the supply shortage. 

In light of this, clinicians have been asked to reserve IV paracetamol use for situations where alternative routes are not possible or appropriate. Clinicians should check with their pharmacy and health service administrators for any local guidance on stock conservation and the use of alternative routes of administration and/or alternative agents. 

Please be aware that alternative brands and formulations of paracetamol may be provided by pharmacies by the Special Access Scheme. In these circumstances, labelling may be different (e.g., using the drug name acetaminophen if sourced from the USA). 

Last updated 11:48 7.03.2024