Diversity, equity, and inclusion

14 March 2024

ANZCA Council has approved a position statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

This statement is a significant step in the college’s commitment to creating and supporting a culture of inclusiveness. As a positive action to raise awareness and focus on the impact of equity, diversity and inclusion within the college community.

ANZCA position statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion

ANZCA is committed to fostering a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Embracing diverse perspectives and promoting fairness, respect, and equitable access to opportunities enhances our ability to provide high-quality care in anaesthesia, perioperative medicine and pain medicine.

We advocate for an environment that ensures everyone feels safe, valued and protected from bullying, discrimination and harassment. We celebrate the broader perspectives and enriched innovation that diversity brings.

We are dedicated to building a more inclusive and equitable culture for our workforce and the patients and communities we serve.

The statement brings together the broad range of policies, activities and initiatives already taking place at the college under one banner, thereby ensuring future activities are aligned with college strategic priorities and governance structures. It seeks to:

  • Position ANZCA as proactively promoting these principles.
  • ​Promote the consideration of equity, diversity and inclusion by our fellows, trainees and specialist international medical graduates in all interactions with patients and the community for the known benefits to health and wellbeing outcomes.
  • Promote a diverse and inclusive anaesthesia and pain medicine workforce which increases organisational effectiveness and productivity, reduces staff turnover, and is more innovative with ideas and insights from a broader range of perspectives.

This statement is supported by the ANZCA diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) background paper. It aligns with the college’s statement on the role of ANZCA in advocating for the health and wellbeing of all people, and the college’s existing statements of similar, but more specific or ‘single-issue’ focus such as the Gender equity position statement and the ANZCA position statement on the health of people seeking asylum.

There is a range of evidence that exists to support organisations who choose to employ diversity, equity and inclusion policies and strategies. Our thanks to working group members for building from this evidence-based approach, and their insights in helping to reference this statement and conducting an environmental scan.

For any further information please contact the membership services team.

Last updated 15:07 14.03.2024