Professor Pamela Macintyre

Professor Pamela Macintyre


Royal Adelaide Hospital

Professor Pam Macintyre was the Director of the Acute Pain Service (APS) at the Royal Adelaide Hospital from the beginning of 1989, when it was first established, until she retired from clinical practice in mid-2020. She is now an Emeritus Consultant at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and a Clinical Professor at the University of Adelaide. She was asked to lead the revision of the ANZCA/FPM guidelines on acute pain management (PS41), which are now available – along with a new Analgesic Stewardship appendix – as a pilot on the college website until the end of 2022. Her key area of interest currently involves opioid stewardship, including the role of acute pain medicine in the ‘opioid epidemic’, improving the safety of acute pain management practices, the adverse effects of preadmission opioid use on short- and long-term adverse effects after surgery,  and prescribing of opioids in and after discharge from hospital. The 5th edition of Macintyre and Schug, Acute Pain Management – a Practical Guide, was published in 2021.

Last updated 11:02 30.08.2022