Associate Professor Stu Marshall, FANZCA (Vic)

Associate Professor Stu Marshall, FANZCA (Vic)

ANZCA Councillor 

MB.ChB (1995), MRCA (2002), FANZCA (2006), M.HumanFact. (2008), PhD (2015), CHIA (2021), GAICD (2021)

Nominated by: Dr Vanessa Beavis (NZ) and Associate Professor Richard Riley (WA) (2020)


Associate Professor Stu Marshall works as an anaesthetist in Frankston and as the Lead in Clinical Human Factors at the Alfred Hospital Centre for Health Innovation in Melbourne. He has teaching and research portfolios in Human Factors and Patient Safety at Monash University and University of Melbourne including running of the EMAC course. Associate Professor Marshall is an associate editor of Anaesthesia, and Advances in Simulation, and an editor of the international Human Factors in Healthcare journal. He has an interest in how to support anaesthetists’ decision making in clinical emergencies and how innovation can improve safety an efficiency of care.

Current and previous service on ANZCA committees and other roles

  • Councillor, ANZCA Council 2020 to date.
  • Chair, ICT Governance Committee 2021 to date.
  • Ex-officio, Victorian Regional Committee 2020 to date.
  • Member, ANZCA Research Committee from Dec 2022
  • Member, executive committee, Leadership and Management SIG 2022 to date.
  • Member, Lifelong Learning Project Working Group 2022 to date.
  • Member, executive committee Professional Practice Research Network (PPRN) 2020 to date.
  • Chair, PS55 (Minimum Facilities for Anaesthesia) Document Development Group 2019-2021
  • Co-author ANZAAG/ANZCA Anaphylaxis guidelines 2013-2022
  • Convenor Workshops/Small Group Discussions 2021 ASM
  • Supervisor of EMAC University of Adelaide 2020-2022
  • Member, Technology Assisted Examinations Working Group 2020-21
  • Member, PS66 (Commissioning pipelines) Document Development Group 2019-2020
  • Deputy Chair, ICT Governance Committee 2020-2021
  • Supervisor of EMAC Monash University/Epworth Healthcare 2017-2021
  • Lead author EMAC Human Factors module 2015-2017
  • Member, EMAC course Subcommittee 2011-2021
  • Supervisor of EMAC Monash Health 2010-2017

Past and/or current appointments in other relevant professional organisations

  • A/Prof University of Melbourne Department of Critical Care – 2021 to date.
  • Honorary A/Prof Monash University Department Anaesthesia & Perioperative Medicine 2022 to date.
  • Graduate, Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD) 2021 to date.
  • Certified Health Informatician Australasia, Australian Institute for Digital Health (CHIA) 2021 to date.
  • Founding president, International Clinical Skills Foundation Inc (Australian Charity) – 2017 to date.
  • Chair International Clinical Skills Conference (Prato, Italy) 2015 to date.
  • Associate editor Anaesthesia - 2021 to date.
  • Editor Human Factors in Healthcare - 2021 to date.
  • Associate editor Advances in Simulation - 2017 to date.
  • Member/prior executive committee member, Victorian Simulation Alliance 2010 to date.
  • A/Prof Monash University Department Anaesthesia & Perioperative Medicine - 2021
  • Founding member/prior executive committee member, Australian Society for Simulation in Healthcare 2006 to date.
  • Member, Royal College of Anaesthetists, UK 2002 to date.

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Last updated 16:23 16.09.2024