TRA2SH Steering Committee vacancies

26 April 2024

We're seeking expressions of interest from ANZCA and FPM trainees for six committee positions to support our work on environmental projects.

Starting in 2020, TRA2SH stands for Trainee-Led Research and Audit in Anaesthesia for Sustainable Healthcare, with its mission is to reduce the environmental impact of theatre waste, while maintaining the high standards of care delivered in Australia and New Zealand. The overarching goal is to collaborate and innovate to find new solutions to waste production and management, click here for more details.

TRA2SH reports to the ANZCA Environmental Sustainability Network (ESN) on advocating, collaborating and promoting initiatives and projects related to environmental sustainability within anaesthesia, perioperative and pain medicine and is available to fellows, trainees, SIMGs and non-ANZCA members.

The committee convenes approximately four times a year, and we highly encourage members to actively participate in projects that emerge from the committee.

Please submit your expression of interest to join the TRA2SH Steering Committee with a copy of your CV (including location and training grade) and personal statement (max 300 words) via email by 31 May 2024.

Last updated 11:55 29.04.2024