STP progress report

Section 1: Post details:

Please enter the details of the STP post.


Section 2: Trainee details

Please enter the details for all trainees that participated in this STP post in the reporting period, including their full-time equivalent (FTE) workload.

FTE is the ratio of hours worked per week to the number of hours in a standard week of full-time work. If the trainee has only worked for part of the rotation, simply enter their FTE during the time they were in the post. This number will be used to determine the salary contribution which is payable according to the terms of your STP Funding Agreement.

Trainee 1:
Please enter the full name and details of the first trainee to occupy the post
Medical indemnity coverage:

Did the trainee meet all training requirements whilst in this post:*

Did the trainee work across multiple sites?:

Trainee 2 (if applicable)
Please enter the full name and details of the second trainee to occupy the post
Medical indemnity coverage:

Did the trainee meet all training requirements whilst in this post:

Did the trainee work across multiple sites? :

Section 3: Performance data
General comments: 
Please provide any additional comments or information you consider being of note. E.g. comments on the effectiveness, or success of the training position, any obstacles or impediments that have been experienced.
Section 4: Personal details
Please enter the contact details of the person submitting the report on behalf of the participant.
Section 5: Declaration and signature
By submitting this report, I declare that:
  • The information in this report is true and correct
  • The monies received, expended and claimed were appropriately allocated to facilitate the trainees filling the training positions progress on the pathway to FANZCA/FPM fellowship.
  • These activities have been taken in accordance with the terms of the ANZCA STP Funding Agreement.

To add additional trainees please select the submit button and follow the instructions on the thank you page.
Last updated 14:09 7.09.2023