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Safety of Anaesthesia report (2009-2011)

ANZCA submission to Commonwealth Government COVID-19 response inquiry

College response to Australian government inquiry into the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Safety of Anaesthesia report (2012-2014)

Peer review of practice (anaesthesia) - guideline

Peer review of practice (anaesthesia) - guideline

Peer review of practice (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - guideline

Peer review of practice (diving and hyperbaric medicine) - guideline


PG46(POM)BP Guideline on training and practice of perioperative cardiac ultrasound in adults BP

PG46(POM)BP Guideline on training and practice of perioperative cardiac ultrasound in adults Background Paper


ANZCA Handbook for Training Appendix 1 (IAACQ sample questions)

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