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ANZCA SA/NT Regional Committee

The South Australian and Northern Territory Regional Committee is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the South Australian and Northern Territory regions and the ANZCA Council to which it reports.

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ANZCA Doctors' Support Program - Converge

As part of our ongoing support for our fellows, trainees, and SIMGs, ANZCA has engaged the professional services of Converge International – a confidential and independent counselling and coaching program.

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Named ANZCA research awards and grants

Each year a number of honorary named awards are made at the discretion of the ANZCA Research Committee.

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ANZCA Patrons emerging investigator grant

We've created a dedicated grant to encourage and support emerging investigators.

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Join the ANZCA and FPM CPD Program

You don't need to be a FANZCA or FFPMANZCA to join our world-class online CPD program. If you're a registered medical practitioner, you can sign up as a non-fellow.

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I am an ANZCA provisional fellow

Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements as an ANZCA provisional fellow.

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About the ANZCA Clinical Trials Network

Our clinical trials seek definitive answers to inform best practice and improve patient care and safety. Explore who we are; our strategic priorities; our history and funding achievements; major findings from our published trials; and important research questions underway.

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DHM Exam Report 2021

Advanced Diploma of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Exam Report 2021

2022 ANZCA and FPM reaccreditation written submission

ANZCA and FPM are accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) and Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) to deliver our training programs, SIMG assessment process and continuing professional development program. We submit yearly reports against the AMC and MCNZ accredita...

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