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ANZCA NZ submission to MoH on suicide prevention

ANZCA NZ submission to MoH on suicide prevention

2023 ANZCA gender equity resources kit

ANZCA and FPM Gender Equity Resource Kit for trainees, SIMGs and fellows.

2023 ANZCA Gender equity resources kit

Click here to view our 2023 gender equity resources kit.

ANZCA NZ submission on revised scope for AT FV

College feedback on the Medical Sciences Council review of the scope of practice for anaesthetic practitioners in New Zealand, including a proposal to change their title to perioperative practitioner.

ANZCA Council and sub-committee meeting calendar 2022

ANZCA ESN national strategy consultation submission

ANZCA Environmental Sustainability Network submission to the consultation on the national health and climate strategy.


College feedback on the National Health and Climate Strategy anaesthetic gases consultation.


ANZCA Gender equity survey toolkit 2024

This Gender equity survey toolkit contains six documents to assist you in performing a local gender equity survey.

ANZCA Annual Report 2018 (full financials)

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