Our directors of professional affairs
Our DPAs are all medically qualified and are fellows of the college/faculty. They are part-time, and most have other work as specialist anaesthetists or specialist pain medicine physicians. They work with many business units in ANZCA and provide advice that is best given by so...
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Practice assessment pathway
FPM fellows who practise pain medicine procedures can apply to have their practice endorsed without having to complete the supervised clinical experience program.
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Asia-Pacific resources
The Global Development Committee develop and promote resources to support our Asia-Pacific colleagues' continued professional development.
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FPM Professional Affairs Executive Committee
The Professional Affairs Executive Committee (PAEC) oversees professional standards, scientific meetings and research activities.
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I am a Faculty of Pain Medicine dual fellow
Find support and resources to meet your CPD requirements as a FPM dual fellow.
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Environment and sustainability research grant
We're helping to support research exploring environmental impact of anaesthesia and related products and activities
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Essential Pain Management program
Unrelieved pain is a major global healthcare problem and its importance is often unrecognised. Adequate pain management results in fewer medical complications, earlier hospital discharge and improved quality of life.
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Apply to join a SIG
Joining a SIG is the perfect way to meet like-minded people; exchange ideas; and shape the future of your sub-speciality or area of interest.
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Types of anaesthesia
There are several types of anaesthesia that may be used individually or in combination, depending on the surgery.
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FPM New Zealand National Committee
The Faculty of Pain Medicine New Zealand National Committee (FPM NZNC) is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in Aotearoa/New Zealand, and the FPM Board to which they report.
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