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PS04(A) Position statement on the post-anaesthesia care unit

Inform clinicians on ANZCA expectations for a PACU and ensure healthcare facilities are designed, equipped, and staffed to deliver safe patient care

Epidural and spinal anaesthesia and analgesia

Pain Relief After Gynaecological Surgery - Epidural and Spinal Anaesthesia and Analgesia

ANZCA Bulletin Autumn 2022

Into the deep with a breakthrough consciousness study | COVID-19: How we’re working and living with the virus two years on | Beyond city limits: Twin cities provide regional opportunities for trainees

ANZCA Handbook for Accreditation

ANZCA Handbook for Accreditation


ANZCA Bulletin Autumn 2023

In this edition: On the Turkish earthquake disaster relief frontline; ANZCA's Reconciliation Action Plan; Sugammadex: An update on perioperative anaphylaxis; and much more...

Royal Darwin 20200906

Royal Darwin Hospital 19062020

PFT Individualised position application form

This form should be completed by ANZCA trainees who wish to apply for a provisional fellowship study plan in an ANZCA accredited site not predefined.

ATP registration form

This form should be completed by doctors in Australia and New Zealand who have secured a registered training position and are wishing to register as a trainee with ANZCA.

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