Specialist International Medical Graduates Committee
The SIMG Committee reports to the Education Executive Management Committee (EEMC) on assessment of specialist international medical graduates (SIMG) for practice in Australia and New Zealand.
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I work as a specialist anaesthetist or pain medicine physician in the private sector
Information and resources to help with your CPD if you work in private practice
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ANZCA and FPM CPD Program guidelines and forms
Access all the forms, guidelines and other resources you need to complete your CPD here.
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History and Heritage Research Grant
This annual grant program provides up to $A5000 for research and interpretation of the history of anaesthesia, pain, and perioperative medicine.
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Oral histories
Our oral history project captures the memories of people, places and events as told by important individuals within the specialties of anaesthesia and pain medicine. These interviews provide unique insights into people’s involvement in key events in the history of the two prof...
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FPM Best Free Paper Award
Awarded for original work judged to be the best contribution to the FPM free papers session at the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting.
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Join the ANZCA and FPM CPD Program
You don't need to be a FANZCA or FFPMANZCA to join our world-class online CPD program. If you're a registered medical practitioner, you can sign up as a non-fellow.
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ANZCA Recognition
Awarded in recognition of significant contributions at a regional level to anaesthesia, perioperative medicine and/or pain medicine.
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SIMG clinical practice assessment (CPA) period
The clinical practice assessment (CPA) period is the time of supervised clinical practice an SIMG must complete during their individual pathway.
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COVID-19 - overarching educational principles
We have developed a number of overarching educational principles that have guided our decision-making in relation to education and training during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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