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Reg 40 - Faculties of the College

Regulation 40 outlines the establishment, responsibilities, and governance structure of ANZCA faculties, such as the Faculty of Pain Medicine. It details the relationship between ANZCA and its faculties, including Council oversight, delegation of educational and professional s...



ANZCA Strategic Plan 2013-2017

FPM Procedures Endorsement Program Handbook

This handbook outlines the pathways and processes for endorsement in pain medicine procedures through the Procedures Endorsement Program.

Application for admission to fellowship

This form should be completed by trainees who are applying for fellowship with ANZCA.

FPM Practice Assessment Pathway Assessment checklist

Use this checklist for endorsement criteria to become endorsed in pain medicine procedures via the practice assessment pathway

FPM by-law 16 - Recognition as a specialist (SIMG)

This document details the process for specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) seeking recognition in pain medicine by the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) of ANZCA. Additionally, it addresses the Area of Need process in Australia, ongoing performance evaluations, and ...

Royal Adelaide Epidural/Intrathecal/Analgesia Standard Orders

Royal Adelaide Epidural/Intrathecal/Analgesia Standard Orders

Blue Book 2009

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