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Airway leads networks

The Airway Management Special Interest Group (SIG) is developing a network of airway leads throughout the Australian healthcare sector. Members will work collaboratively to improve airway management in anaesthesia. A similar network already exists in New Zealand.

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HAMSTER trial results published: Enhanced oxygen delivery for children during surgery

Children with breathing problems requiring surgery could benefit from a new oxygen delivery technique that improves oxygen flow during anaesthesia.

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Airway Management SIG

The main objective of the Airway Management SIG is the promotion of science, education, exchange and distribution of ideas between anaesthetists with a particular interest and involvement in airway management.

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2023 Airway Management SIG program

Airway Management SIG meeting program

Airway leads network form

Airway leads network form

COVID-19 airway management recognition of suitability

COVID-19 airway management recognition of suitability

COVID-19 airway management ER session guideline

COVID-19 airway management ER session guideline

Difficult airway alert standard

PG61(A) Guideline for management of evolving airway obstruction: transition to CICO airway emergency

PG61(A) Guideline for the management of evolving airway obstruction: transition to the Can’t Intubate Can’t Oxygenate airway emergency


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