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PCIA - Replacing the former patient interaction component of the Final Exam Medical Viva

In 2025, the patient interaction component of the final exam medical viva will be re-introduced as the patient clinical interaction assessment (PCIA).

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Beyond City Limits: Darwin

In September 2022, we visted Darwin to talk to specialist anaesthetists, trainees, and medical students about living and working in Australia's Top End.

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Lifelong learning project update: June 2023

Our lifelong learning project is about providing all fellows, trainees, and SIMGs with a world-class educational experience that gives you greater ownership of your own educational journey.

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Guidance on sparing of intravenous fluid use - updated

The following advice to anaesthetists is provided by the Chair of ANZCA’s Safety and Quality Committee, Associate Professor Joanna Sutherland in response to a widespread shortage of intravenous fluids.

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2024 fellowship survey coming in Sept

The 2024 ANZCA and FPM fellowship survey commences in early September and will be available for six weeks.

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Expedited SIMG registration pathway continues

The proposed expedited registration pathway for anaesthesia specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) for agreed qualifications (United Kingdom and Irish specialists), is due to be implemented by the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) by the end of 2024.

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SIMG stories: From Tokyo to Perth

Japanese anaesthetist Dr Naoko Nakaigawa shares her experience as a specialist international medical graduate (SIMG).

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2025 FPM Symposium

2 May 2025 | Cairns

Save the date for the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) Symposium to be held at the Pullman Cairns International Hotel, on Friday 2 May 2025.

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2025 3SCTS Tri Society Cardiac & Thoracic Symposium & IACA

19 Nov 2025 - 22 Nov 2025 | ICC Sydney

Join us in Sydney for the 2025 Tri-Society Cardiac & Thoracic Symposium (3SCTS) in collaboration with IACA.

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2024 Joint ANZAAG and ISPAR Symposium

15 Nov 2024 - 17 Nov 2024 | Melbourne

The 2024 Joint ANZAAG and ISPAR Symposium will be held on 15-17 November 2024 at the W Melbourne.

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