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Beyond City Limits: Tasmania

For the Spring 2023 edition of the ANZCA Bulletin, we visited Tasmania to talk to anaesthetists and trainees who live and work there.

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Revised professionalism and performance guide now available

As part of our ongoing commitment to elevating professionalism in our workforce, we have completed a comprehensive review of the 2017 Supporting Anaesthetists’ Professionalism and Performance: A Guide for Clinicians.

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Steuart Henderson Award nominations open

Nominations for the Steuart Henderson Award recognising dedication to education in anaesthesia and pain medicine are now open.

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Expedited SIMG registration pathway continues

The proposed expedited registration pathway for anaesthesia specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) for agreed qualifications (United Kingdom and Irish specialists), is due to be implemented by the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) by the end of 2024.

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Beyond City Limits: Darwin

In September 2022, we visted Darwin to talk to specialist anaesthetists, trainees, and medical students about living and working in Australia's Top End.

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FANZCA joins AMA council

Congratulations to Canberra fellow Dr Girish Palnitkar who has been elected to the Federal Australian Medical Association (AMA) Council as the anaesthesia representative.

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Become a primary examiner

Do you have what it takes to be a primary examiner?

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ANZCA Foundation update - August 2024

New W. John Russell ANZCA Research Award, Melbourne Research Awards, AMA honours ANZCA Fellow, grant outcomes reports received

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PCIA - Replacing the former patient interaction component of the Final Exam Medical Viva

In 2025, the patient interaction component of the final exam medical viva will be re-introduced as the patient clinical interaction assessment (PCIA).

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The 2023 Blue Book is here!

The 2023 edition of Australasian Anaesthesia (AKA the Blue Book) is now available.

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