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2022 ELC promotional flyer

2022 ELC promotional flyer



Submission on NSW Value-Based Surgery

Submission on NSW Value-Based Surgery Clinical Practice Guide, 27 June 2022

2023 ELC Promotional flyer

Read more information about the 2023 Emerging Leaders Conference.

Adult Immediate Management

The card for Adult Immediate Management is designed to be used as a cognitive aid by clinicians in the management of perioperative anaphylaxis.

Card 3 Adult Refractory Management

The card for Adult Refractory Management is designed to be used as a cognitive aid by clinicians in the management of perioperative anaphylaxis.

Card 4 Paediatric Refractory Management

The card for Paediatric Refractory Management is designed to be used as a cognitive aid by clinicians in the management of perioperative anaphylaxis.

Card 5 Differential Diagnosis

The card for Differential Diagnosis is designed to be used as a cognitive aid by clinicians in the management of perioperative anaphylaxis.

CEO – AHPRA submission on Telehealth

College feedback on draft revised guidelines for telehealth consultation with patients, noting college support, particularly from a perioperative medicine perspective.

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