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Anaesthesia for endoscopy

Endoscopy procedures, which include gastroscopy and colonoscopy, are frequently performed as day-stay cases.

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Anaesthesia and children

Children of all ages, including newborn babies, may require anaesthesia.

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History of anaesthesia

Anaesthesia is one of the greatest discoveries of modern medicine. In fact, many of today’s operations, especially for the very young, very old, or very ill would not be possible without it.

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Anaesthesia and smoking

Smokers are at increased risk of respiratory, cardiac and wound-related complications following surgery.

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Anaesthesia exams

In order to qualify as a specialist anaesthetist and become eligible for ANZCA fellowship, trainees need to successfully complete two exams. Each exam consists of a written and viva (oral and medical clinical) components. Some specialist international medical graduates will ne...

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Fellow's top science award

ANZCA's Research Committee chair, Professor Britta Regli-von Ungern-Sternberg, has received the 2024 Frank Fenner Prize for Life Scientist of the Year. 

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Training program dashboard data report now available

The 2023 Anaesthesia Training Program Dashboard Data Report is now available. 

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Prof docs monthly update

Your monthly digest of professional document developments.

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Beyond City Limits ebook

You can now enjoy all six stories from our popular ANZCA Bulletin series 'Beyond City Limits' as an ebook.

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Fasting, breastfeeding and smoking advice updated in review of PG07

We have released the final updated version of our pre-anaesthesia consultation professional document and background paper which includes information on fasting, breastfeeding and smoking.

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