CTN leadership groups and governance
Our CTN Executive and Anaesthesia Research Coordinators Network oversees the activities of the network in line with the strategic priorities.
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Have you had axillary lymph nodes removed during breast surgery?
Information on anaesthesia monitoring and other common medical procedures for patients who have undergone axillary surgery, including sentinel lymph node biopsy, targeted axillary dissection, and axillary clearance.
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Fund a Colleague’s Education
ANZCA supports the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists’ Global Fellowship Programme, which provides skilled anaesthesiologists through low-cost, high-quality training across Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.
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Mortality Sub-committee
The Mortality Sub-committee was developed as a collaboration between the chairs of established anaesthetic mortality committees in Australia, under the auspices of ANZCA. The group is chaired by Dr Simon Jenkins, and includes the chairs of all established anaesthetic mortality...
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Neuroanaesthesia SIG
The Neuroanaesthesia SIG exists to foster interest in matters relating to the perioperative care and anaesthesia of patients with intracranial and spinal pathology. This includes the application of basic and translational science relevant to clinical anaesthesia.
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Research Committee
The ANZCA Research Committee assesses research applications for projects related to anaesthesia, resuscitation, perioperative medicine, intensive care or pain medicine carried out in Australia or New Zealand.
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ANZCA Clinical Trials Network Executive
The ANZCA Clinical Trials Network Executive is a collaboration of accomplished clinical researchers who work to improve the evidence base of anaesthesia by developing and conducting high quality, multicentre randomised controlled trials and related research. The ANZCA Clinical...
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Named ANZCA research awards and grants
Each year a number of honorary named awards are made at the discretion of the ANZCA Research Committee.
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Pain relief and having a baby
You might not need the care of an anaesthetist when you’re carrying and delivering your baby, but it’s good to know what your options are.
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Safety alert: Fluid warming systems
A recent study published in the journal Anaesthesia suggested the use of certain types of fluid warmers might release free aluminium into the infusion fluid.
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