The ANZCA Medal recognises major contributions by fellows to the status of anaesthesia, intensive care, pain medicine or related specialties.
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Voluntary assisted dying
Information about ANZCA's position on legalised voluntary assisted dying for terminally ill people in Australia and New Zealand.
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IACA webinars and resources
Find information and recordings of webinars hosted by the IACA partner colleges.
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CPD emergency response category
Information for anyone providing or participating in emergency response activities, courses, and workshops including how to apply for recognition of suitability.
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Working with the media
ANZCA has an experienced communications team that proactively engages with the media to highlight the important work of our anaesthetists and pain specialists. This includes sharing our latest evidence-based research and patient safety initiatives. We also actively encourage m...
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Frequently asked questions
Find answers to frequently asked questions from CPD participants.
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Short-term training (STT) pathway
Applicants who wish to enter a short-term specialist anaesthetic training or pain training (STT) position in Australia must be assessed for the purpose of medical registration. This pathway does not lead to fellowship.
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Michael J Cousins Lecture
In recognition of the significant contributions of Professor Michael J Cousins FANZCA, FFPMANZCA to the field of pain medicine and his initiative to establish the Faculty of Pain Medicine, the faculty plenary session at the college's annual scientific meeting was named the Mic...
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Is a career in pain medicine right for me?
Pain medicine is a dynamic and rewarding career choice for specialists looking for a new challenge. Find out what it involves; where it can take you; and how to get started.
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Robert Orton Medal
The highest award the college can bestow on its fellows recognises distinguished service to anaesthesia, perioperative medicine and/or pain medicine.
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