PS62 Position statement on cultural competence and cultural safety 2024
To articulate ANZCA’s ongoing commitment to the role and importance of cultural competence and cultural safety, to promote cultural safety, to serve as a resource to assist doctors to behave in a culturally safe manner.
SRA critical appraisal of a topic - guidelines
Reg 29 - Readmission to membership of the college (and fellowship)
This regulation details the process for readmission to ANZCA membership (fellowship) for individuals whose membership was terminated, lapsed, or ceased. Applicants must provide statements on conduct, meet financial obligations, and follow re-entry guidelines if returning to pr...
PG61(A)BP Guideline for management of evolving airway obstruction: transition to CICO airway BP
This document provides background to the ANZCA guideline on management of evolving airway obstruction- transition to the ‘Can’t Intubate Can’t Oxygenate’ airway emergency
ANZCA Professionalism and Performance Guide 2024
A performance framework for anaesthetists and pain medicine physicians to help in improving their practice of anaesthesia, perioperative medicine, and pain medicine.
The Perioperative Care Framework document
The Perioperative Care Framework encompasses the patient journey from contemplation of surgery through to optimal outcome. This framework has been designed to be a practical resource for those developing a perioperative medicine service.
ANZCA Bulletin feature March 2019