2024 Combined SIG Program
Download the program for the Combined Leadership & Management, Communication in Anaesthesia, Medical Education, and Wellbeing Special Interest Groups Meeting in Sydney 20-22 September 2024.
ATP application agreement
This document sets out the rights, responsibilities and obligations of each party involved in the enrolment process for the ANZCA training program.
EPA 6 - Anaesthetise children 5 years and over
Anaesthetise or sedate children 5 years and
over for low-risk elective surgery and manage paediatric patients in emergency situations, if required, in the rural or remote context.
Te rehunga me te whakawhānau pēpi
The first in a series of three fact sheets in te Reo Māori designed to guide conversations between patients and healthcare professionals, and to provide reassurance and advice to pregnant women about the safety of anaesthesia before, during, and after having a baby.