2025 ASM Indigenous Health Committee sponsorship package guidelines
Guidelines for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori senior medical students and pre-vocational doctors applying for a sponsorship package to attend the 2025 ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting.
PG65(G) Guideline for the performance assessment of a peer
To assist fellows in their role when reviewing the performance of a colleague.
2023 Inquiry into healthcare funding in NSW
College submission to the Special Commission of inquiry into healthcare funding in New South Wales.
PS53(A)BP Position statement on the handover responsibilities of the anaesthetist Background Paper
This document provides justification for the document which outlines the responsibilities of anaesthetists during anaesthesia, sedation, and major regional analgesia, including the importance of patient care and continuous presence.
RGA training agreement
Rural Generalist Anaesthesia training agreement
WA Anaesthetic Mortality Committee Report 2023
Western Australian Anaesthetic Mortality Committee Report 2023
ANZCA Handbook for Accreditation
ANZCA Handbook for Accreditation
ANZCA Handbook for Training Appendix 3 (SSU review question guide)