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Card 6 Post crisis management

The card for Post crisis management is designed to be used as a cognitive aid by clinicians in the management of perioperative anaphylaxis.


PMC gender equity response

College feedback on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s national strategy to achieve gender equity in Australia.

ANZCA response to revised MCNZ guidelines on disclosure of harm

College feedback on the Medical Council of New Zealand consultation on updated guidelines on the disclosure of harm following an adverse event.

Primer Educational Course Program

This course is designed to give the learner an overview of why ERAS improves outcomes, the principles of implementation and the role of different stakeholders through the ERAS Pathway

ANZCA DEI background paper

Background paper to ANZCA's position statement on equity, diversity and inclusion.

ANZCA Position statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion

ANZCA Position statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion

Meet the NSW Trainee Committee

Current members of the New South Wales Trainee Committee

Safety and Quality Committee terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Safety and Quality Committee.

Position statement on the role of ANZCA in advocating for the health and wellbeing of all people

Updated Sep 2024

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