PS04(A)BP Position statement on the post-anaesthesia care unit Background Paper
Background paper explaining rationale for informing clinicians on ANZCA expectations for a PACU and ensure healthcare facilities are designed, equipped, and staffed to deliver safe patient care
PS55 Position statement on minimum facilities for safe administration of anaesthesia
This position statement outlines the minimum requirements for healthcare facilities to ensure safe anaesthesia administration. It provides guidelines for staffing, equipment, emergency medications, and service processes in various settings where anaesthesia is delivered, aimin...
PG50(A)BP Guideline on return to anaesthesia practice for anaesthetists Background Paper
This document provides justification for the guidelines on advice for anaesthetists returning to practice after a significant absence, which guides them through a structured return-to-practice program to ensure safe and up-to-date patient care.
PS26(A)BP Position statement on informed consent for anaesthesia or sedation Background Paper
This document provides justification on statement is to support compliance with regulatory and jurisdictional requirements, to assist practitioners in understanding the process of informed consent, and to promote best practice in obtaining consent.
PS42(A)BP Position statement on staffing of accredited departments of anaesthesia Background Paper
This document provides justification for the guidance on appropriate department staffing required for optimal training conditions, but is not meant to specify employment or other working conditions that are best determined in an industrial negotiation.
PG51(A)BP Guideline for the safe management and use of medications in anaesthesia Background Paper
This document provides justification for the safety recommendations for medical practitioners administering anaesthesia, sedation, and local analgesia, aiming to ensure safe medication handling, documentation, and access within healthcare facilities, while complementing state...
108 year-old woman is Australia's oldest anaesthesia patient
PG28(A)BP Guideline on infection control in anaesthesia Background Paper
Justification for the practice of anaesthesia is as safe as possible for patients, anaesthetists and other healthcare workers. Additionally justification for infection control aimed at minimising risks of infection is central to this aim.
Promoting good practice and managing poor performance in anaesthesia and pain medicine
Developed by Dr Rowan Thomas, Dr Elizabeth Feeney, Dr Marion Andrew, Dr Gary Hopgood and Dr Jordan Wood. Published in 2017.
Reg 23 - Recognition as a specialist in anaesthesia or pain medicine; and eligibility for admission
Regulation 23 - Recognition as a specialist in anaesthesia or pain medicine; and eligibility for admission to fellowship by assessment for specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs).