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Recognition pathway guidance document

This document outlines the proposed eligibility requirements, and provisions, available to medical practitioners with prior education and/or current practice in perioperative medicine (POM), for recognition (or “grandparenting”) of the graduate of the Chapter of Perioperative ...

Recognition pathway application form

Use this form to apply for the GChPeriopMed (ANZCA) recognition pathway. You can find detailed information on eligibility in the information document.

SRA exemption CAT

Scholar Role Sub-committee will no longer accept exemptions for the Critical Appraisal of a Paper. The exemption application form has been updated only to include exemptions for Critical Appraisal of a Topic (CAT)

Malignant hyperthermia ER session guideline

Malignant hyperthermia ER session guideline

Opioid-induced ventilatory impairment ER session guideline

Opioid-induced ventilatory impairment ER session guideline

Anaphylaxis ER session guideline

Anaphylaxis ER session guideline

FPM by-law 3 - Fellowship of the faculty

FPM by-law 3 describes the criteria and processes for admission to the Fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, including pathways through training, honorary recognition, and international specialist qualification assessment. It covers eligibility requirements, application ...

SIMG and AoN Application Form

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