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Patrons program form (AU)

Use this form to become an ANZCA foundation patron if you live in Australia.

FPM by-law 16 - Recognition as a specialist (SIMG)

This document details the process for specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) seeking recognition in pain medicine by the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) of ANZCA. Additionally, it addresses the Area of Need process in Australia, ongoing performance evaluations, and ...

Reg 36 - ANZCA advanced certificate in diving and hyperbaric medicine

Regulation 36 applies to all trainees undertaking the ANZCA Advanced Certificate in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine from 31 July 2017.

Practice development stage review

Cardiac arrest specialist pain medicine physicians ER session guideline

Cardiac arrest specialist pain medicine physicians ER session guideline

Major haemorrhage ER session guideline

Major haemorrhage ER session guideline

Central nervous system oxygen toxicity ER session guideline

Central nervous system oxygen toxicity ER session guideline

COVID-19 airway management ER session guideline

COVID-19 airway management ER session guideline

Cardiac arrest ER session guideline

Cardiac arrest ER session guideline

Acute severe behavioural disturbance ER session guideline

Acute severe behavioural disturbance ER session guideline

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