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Reg 35 - ANZCA certificates and diplomas

This regulation guides the development, implementation and planning for sustainability of new qualification programs that recognise the attainment of special knowledge, skills and experience in areas of medicine related to the practice of anaesthesia, perioperative medicine an...

2026 Novice Investigator Grant guide

Guidelines for applying for the 2026 ANZCA Novice Investigator Grant

2026 Project Grant Guide

Guidelines for applying for a 2026 ANZCA Project Grant

2026 Skantha Vallipuram ANZCA Research Scholarship Guide

Guidelines for applying for the 2026 Skantha Vallipuram ANZCA Research Scholarship.

2026 Patrons Emerging Investigators Grant Guide

Guidelines for applying for the 2026 ANZCA Patrons Emerging Investigators Grant

2026 Professional Practice Research Grant Guide

Guidelines for applying for a 2026 Professional Practice Research Grant

ANZCA Research Policy

PS42(A) Position statement on staffing of accredited departments of anaesthesia

This document is intended to apply to anaesthesia departments accredited to provide such training, and its purpose is to ensure that departments are staffed adequately to provide a safe high quality clinical service, to supervise trainees and to effectively manage the service.

2026 Academic Enhancement Grant guide

Guidelines for applying for the 2026 ANZCA Academic Enhancement Grant

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