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CPD ER SPMP Cardiac Arrest recognition of suitability form 2023

CPD ER SPMP Cardiac Arrest recognition of suitability form 2023

ANZCA Partnership Grants

ANZCA recognises the importance of large collaborative bodies of work and the support of fellows.

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Careers at ANZCA

We're building a diverse and vibrant workforce and we want to attract the best people! Find out what a career with the college can offer you, and explore current job vacancies around Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

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CPD ER Major Haemorrhage recognition of suitability form 2023

CPD ER Major Haemorrhage recognition of suitability form 2023

Recognition of prior learning

This form should be completed by ANZCA trainees who wish to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning.

Protecting your data

Everything you need to know about single-sign on (SSO), multi-factor authentication (MFA), and how we're keeping your data safe.

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Medical Board of Australia expedited specialist pathway

The MBA has introduced a new expedited specialist pathway for specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) to be eligible to apply for the specialist registration, SIMGs must hold recognised overseas specialist qualifications on the Expedited Specialist pathway accepted ...

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CPD review project group

The CPD review project group evaluated the ANZCA and FPM CPD Program to meet regulatory requirements and members' needs.

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Medical Council of New Zealand fast-track registration for provisional vocational (specialist) regis

The Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) has introduced a new fast-track registration for specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs). Eligible SIMGs from the UK, Ireland and Australia holding approved postgraduate qualifications can apply for this pathway.

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Training as an anaesthetist

Your guide to training as a specialist anaesthetist in Australia or New Zealand, including the criteria, application process and cost.

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