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CPD emergency response category

Information for anyone providing or participating in emergency response activities, courses, and workshops including how to apply for recognition of suitability.

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Recognition of Te Tiriti o Waitangi

ANZCA is currently developing a comprehensive strategy to ensure that the college meets its responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Aotearoa/New Zealand’s founding document.

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ANZCA Council Awards

The five ANZCA Council Awards recognise the most significant and extraordinary contributions (clinical and non-clinical) made by our fellows, trainees, and SIMGs.

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DHM Recognition of prior learning

Chapter of Perioperative Medicine FAQs

Everything you need to know about the ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine leading to a graduate of the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine, including the reasons for its development; the likely course structure, duration, and eligibility requirements; and the timeframes.

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Named ANZCA research awards and grants

Each year a number of honorary named awards are made at the discretion of the ANZCA Research Committee.

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Recognition of prior experience form (FPM)

Form to apply for FPM Recognition of Prior Experience (RPE).


Awarded in recognition of those who make extraordinary and critically important contributions (clinical or non-clinical) in times of major disaster, conflict or in other circumstances outside the college.

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CPD ER ASBD recognition of suitability form 2023

CPD ER ASBD recognition of suitability form 2023

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