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FPM by-law 20 - Procedures Endorsement Program

By-law 20 covers accreditation standards for Faculty of Pain Medicine training units, including multidisciplinary team requirements, supervisor qualifications, and compliance with ANZCA policies.

Robert Orton Medal

The highest award the college can bestow on its fellows recognises distinguished service to anaesthesia, perioperative medicine and/or pain medicine.

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We offer two prestigious anaesthesia professorships. Explore the eligibility criteria, application process, entitlements, and past recipients.

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The Barbara Walker Prize

The Barbara Walker Prize for Excellence in the Pain Medicine Examination recognises the candidate who achieves the highest mark in the FPM fellowship examination. It is awarded to the top student at the discretion of the Court of Examiners.

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FPM Dean's Prize

The FPM Dean's Prize recognises the FPM fellow or trainee judged to have presented the most original pain medicine/pain research paper, of sufficient standard, at the free papers session of the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting.

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Honorary ANZCA fellowship

From time-to-time, the ANZCA Council may confer honorary fellowship of the college on distinguished members of the medical profession, as well as other eminent individuals from outside the clinical community.

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Trainee Academic Prize

Awarded to the ANZCA trainee (or fellow, within one year of fellowship) who is judged to have made the best contribution at the Trainee Academic Session held as part of the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting.

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Merit list for the FPM fellowship exam

Candidates who achieve a mark in the top 10 per cent in the FPM fellowship exam are eligible for inclusion in the merit list.

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Dr Ray Hader Award for Pastoral Care

Named after Dr Ray Hader, a Victorian ANZCA trainee who died of an accidental drug overdose in 1998 after a long struggle with addiction, this award promotes compassion and a focus on the welfare of anaesthetists, other colleagues, patients and the community.

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Gilbert Brown Prize

Awarded to the fellow judged to make the best contribution to the free research paper session named the Gilbert Brown Prize Session at the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM).

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