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Our museum

The Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History was founded in 1935. It showcases over 170 years of advances in anaesthesia and pain medicine, and is the largest and most diverse collection of its kind in the world.

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FPM New South Wales Regional Committee

The FPM NSW Regional Committee is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the NSW region, and the FPM Board and Professional Standards Committee to which they report.

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ANZCA Council

The ANZCA Council governs the college with the support of the FPM Board and various committees. Its roles include reviewing and approving the annual strategic plan and budget, and developing and monitoring key performance indicators and other benchmarks.

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Our fellows and trainees

Statistics on ANZCA and FPM fellows and trainees

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Oral histories

Our oral history project captures the memories of people, places and events as told by important individuals within the specialties of anaesthesia and pain medicine. These interviews provide unique insights into people’s involvement in key events in the history of the two prof...

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FPM Best Free Paper Award

Awarded for original work judged to be the best contribution to the FPM free papers session at the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting. 

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Wellbeing SIG

The aim of the Wellbeing SIG is to promote the personal and psychological wellbeing and to heighten awareness of wellbeing issues in anaesthetists and pain medicine specialists. The group is an informative, educative and referral group; it has no therapeutic role.

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Te Whare Tohu o Te Hau Whakaora

Find out why the college has a te reo Māori name; what it means; how it was developed; and how to pronounce it.

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Reconciliation Action Plan

ANZCA's Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is an important step in our reconciliation with Australia’s First Nations peoples.

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Pain medicine training sites

Find FPM-accredited training sites, as well as information on supervisors of training, unit directors, and how to get your unit accredited.

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