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ALEPG final report 2021

ANZCA and FPM Accreditation and Learning Environment Project (ALEP) final report on accreditation of college training programs.


Partnership and Sponsorship policy

This policy provides clarity and transparency around how the college engages with and manages opportunities relating to partnership and sponsorship.

2023 CPD Mandatory Compliance Policy

The CPD Mandatory Compliance Policy defines the CPD compliance requirements for ANZCA and FPM fellows and other CPD participants.

PMC gender equity response

College feedback on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s national strategy to achieve gender equity in Australia.

ANZCA Concession application form

FPM Concession application form

PG31(A)BP Guideline on checking anaesthesia delivery systems Background Paper

This professional document provides justification for guidelines for checking anaesthesia delivery systems to ensure patient safety during procedures involving general anaesthesia, regional anaesthesia, local anaesthesia, and sedation.

PS54(A)BP Position statement on minimum safety requirements for anaes. machines and workstations BP

This document outlines minimum safety requirements for anaesthesia machines in Australia and New Zealand, referencing relevant Australian/New Zealand standards. It aims to ensure the safe delivery of anaesthetic gases and vapours to patients.

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