ANZCA and FPM CPD Program guidelines and forms
Access all the forms, guidelines and other resources you need to complete your CPD here.
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Anaesthesia research co-ordinators
Research co-ordinators are vital to the success of research departments. They provide the knowledge and expertise to perform critical roles in research and clinical trials. Find out how you can get involved.
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Contributing to public policy and health systems
We work with national, state and territory governments to ensure we're appropriately consulted on decisions affecting our members; the health systems they work within; and their ability to provide every patient with safe, high-quality, and culturally competent care.
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Gender equity
Gender equity has ethical, social, and economic benefits to our fellows, trainees, specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs), and the broader community. Find out what we're doing...
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Anaesthesia training sites and rotations
Information on ANZCA-accredited anaesthesia training sites, rotations, supervisors, education officers; how to become a training site accreditation visitor; and how to apply for ANZCA training site accreditation.
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ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine participant toolkit
Fees, dates, and resources related to the ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine..
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Letter from Dr Vanessa Bevis to Dr Ashley Bloomfield re NZ vaccination rollout 20210217
Letter from ANZCA President, Dr Vanessa Bevis to Dr Ashley Bloomfield, Director-General, NZ Ministry of Health re the NZ COVID-19 vaccination rollout 20210217
Anaesthetists support NZ prime minister