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Product defect correction: Getinge Sevoflurane Quik-Fil Vaporizer, yellow substance in vaporizer

Yellow substance described in Getinge Sevoflurane Quik-Fil Vaporizer for Flow Family Anaesthesia system, likely hydrogen fluoride. Possible harms include respiratory irritation or in worst case lung oedema and/or severe hypocalcaemia.

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Corticosteriods in short supply

The TGA has advised of shortage of corticosteriods

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Environmental Sustainability Network Executive

The purpose of the ESN is “to advocate, collaborate and promote initiatives and projects related to environmental sustainability within anaesthesia, perioperative and pain medicine”.

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What does an anaesthetist do?

Anaesthetists are specialist doctors with unique clinical knowledge and skills. They have a major role in the perioperative care of surgical patients.

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Professional practice research grants

We've created a dedicated grant for research in a range of aspects of professional practice, including simulation/education

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CPD requirements for Rural Generalist Anaesthetists (RGAs)

In May 2023, the TC-RGA agreed that Rural Generalist Anaesthetists (RGAs) would be recommended to undertake the Continuing Professional Developement (CPD) program-level requirements identified in the ANZCA and FPM CPD standard.

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Apply for an ANZCA research grant

Every year, we make grant funding available to fellows and trainees who are novice, emerging or established researchers, for studies in anaesthesia, intensive care, pain or perioperative medicine.

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IACA webinars and resources

Find information and recordings of webinars hosted by the IACA partner colleges.

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ANZCA and FPM CPD Program guidelines and forms

Access all the forms, guidelines and other resources you need to complete your CPD here.

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College membership fees and concessions

Lost your invoice? Looking for payment options? Wondering if you're eligible for a concession? Want to make a tax-deductible donation? Here's everything you need to know about membership fees.

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