ANZCA NZ submission on revised scope for AT FV
College feedback on the Medical Sciences Council review of the scope of practice for anaesthetic practitioners in New Zealand, including a proposal to change their title to perioperative practitioner.
TK2 - Gender equity survey toolkit - Survey questions
You can adapt the following survey questions as relevant to your practice/department.
Periprocedural GLP-1 use consensus - clinical guide
ANZCA, along with peak diabetes, obesity and gastroenterological bodies, has produced clinical practice recommendations for patients using GLP-1/GIP receptor agonists.
FPM by-law 1 - Faculty of Pain Medicine Board
This document outlines by-law 1, which defines the structure, roles, and operational procedures of the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) Board.
Recognition pathway guidance document
This document outlines the proposed eligibility requirements, and provisions, available to medical practitioners with prior education and/or current practice in perioperative medicine (POM), for recognition (or “grandparenting”) of the graduate of the Chapter of Perioperative ...