Product defect correction: damaged barrels on BD Plastipak 50mL Syringe with Luer-Lok Tip
Damaged barrels may admit air. Check all devices before, during and after use, and report any defective devices discovered.
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Defect: Aisys CS2/Avance CS2/Avance CS2 Pro Anaesthesia Systems, switched O2/air pressure reading
Specified models can show O2 and air cylinder pressure readings as switched, creating possible risk of the cylinder in use depleting without warning.
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AU defect: Philips IntelliVue Monitors with Nellcor SpO2 Boards, malfunction with age
The SpO2 function on certain model numbers deteriorates with age, leading to a malfunction technical alarm. Keep an alternative SpO2 monitor on hand, and book a service if malfunction occurs.
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Jannsen-Cilag CADD Infusions Systems Disposables product defect
Jannsen-Cilag CADD Infusion Systems Disposables as part of Veletri Consumables Kit may underdeliver infusion doses or fail to detect attachment of the cassettes.
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FPM centralised trainee tutorials
The centralised trainee tutorial program is an exciting initiative introduced in 2021 to provide all pain medicine trainees with access to a formalised teaching program and regular opportunities to engage with other trainees.
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Environmental Sustainability Network
The purpose of the ESN is “to advocate, collaborate and promote initiatives and projects related to environmental sustainability within anaesthesia, perioperative and pain medicine”.
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Supervisors of training toolkit
We've collated a range of online resources to support our supervisors of training (SOTs) with the training, assessment, and pastoral care of trainees.
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College archives
Our archives document the history and administration of the college, and its predecessor, as well as records of the Faculty of Pain Medicine. The archives are a rich source of primary material about the history of the organisation, and many individuals within it.
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Karakia Poka
In 2023 ANZCA commissioned tohunga Mark Kopua (Te Atianga a Hauiti) to create this special karakia to provide pre-surgery comfort to patients and their families and whānau.
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Emerging Leaders Conference
Are you interested in strengthening your leadership skills? Do you see yourself as a future leader? Would you like to meet like-minded peers and work together on shaping the future direction of your specialty?
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