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Education Executive Management Committee terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Education Executive Management Committee.

PG61(A) Guideline for management of evolving airway obstruction: transition to CICO airway emergency

This document summarises the available information and evidence relating to airway obstruction evolving to a 'Can't Intubate, Can't Oxygenate (CICO)' situation

ANZCA Strategic Plan 2013-2017

ANZCA launches karakia for patients and whānau

Media release: The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) has launched an ANZCA karakia, designed to provide pre-surgery comfort to patients and their whānau.

ANZCA RAP year one report

ANZCA year one Reconciliation Action Plan achievements, challenges, and learnings report.

PG65(G) Guideline for the performance assessment of a peer

To assist fellows in their role when reviewing the performance of a colleague.

FPM by-law 16 - Recognition as a specialist (SIMG)

This document details the process for specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) seeking recognition in pain medicine by the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) of ANZCA. Additionally, it addresses the Area of Need process in Australia, ongoing performance evaluations, and ...

SRA - audit guidelines

This document provides general guidelines for the audit evaluation process.

RGA RPLE application form

This form should be completed by RGA trainees who seeking an assessment of their eligibility for recognition of prior learning and experience (RPLE).

ANZCA Bulletin June 2018

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